Which Completion Status Should I Set?

Outside of the very old version of CourseMill we've been using, I'm an LMS newbie, so bear with me here...What's the difference between the AICC_Lesson_Status variable and the CMI_Completion_Status variable? I published one of my e-courses to our new SCORM 2004 LMS, Xerceo (yeah, I know...you've never heard of it...), and it doesn't seem to be changing my course status to "complete" after I navigate to the last course page, which has an OnShow action to set the AICC_Lesson_Status variable to "completed." (Granted, I didn't actually go through all of the preceding course pages, but that shouldn't matter, should it?) Now I'm wondering if I should have used the CMI_Completion_Status variable instead. Obviously I could just try that and see if it works, but I'd really like to try and understand what I'm doing, not just flail about. So I'm hoping that one of you more experienced LMS users can help me learn which the right choice is and why!TIA for any help!LauraP.S. I'm using Lectora 2008, in case it matters at all.Edited By: Tecocat on 2008-12-1 15:58:41

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