Entry Field Retaining Previously Typed Text Across Sessions

Laura,When you were testing locally on your hard drive, or were you viewing files live on a web server? I've seen cookies act differently depending on where/how you are viewing them.

And yes, closing all other browser windows can clear some of these issues.Mark

tecocat said:

Okay - I've tried all of the usual tricks, but can't seem to find the cause/solution for this problem...

I have an entry field on a page for the user to type some text into. I published to HTML and tested the course, typing text in the entry field. I then closed the browser window, made some changes to the course, republished to HTML and retested the course. When I got to the page with the entry field, the text I had typed previously was still there!

Here's what I've tried so far to fix the problem:

1. Checked to make sure that the "Retain value between sessions" wasn't selected. It wasn't. 2. Put in an On Show page-level action to reset the entry field's variable value to blank. No good. 3. Put the entry field in a form and put an On Show page-level action to reset the form. Nope. 4. Created a user variable called "Blank" with an initial value of blank and then used an On Show page-level action to change the contents of entry field to Blank (the variable I had created). Unsucessful. 5. Deleted the previous HTML files before republishing. Didn't make any difference.

I suspect that if I were to clear my cache, that might fix the problem, but, unless this is an isolated-fluke situation, that's not an acceptable solution, as it won't prevent my learners from having the same problem when they're using the course.

So, anyone have any ideas of why this is happening and anything else I can try that might fix it? I've used entry fields before in the same way I'm using this one and never had them act so stubbornly before!

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