Order-Independent Multi Fill-in-the-Blank

Looks to me like it will take 6 actions the first 5 string all the answers together in one variable and the last tests to see if everything is there:1. Modify Variable: temp; Target: Temp; Value: Var(Blank1); Modification Type: Set2. Modify Variable: Target: Temp; Value: Var(Blank2); Modification Type: Add3. Modify Variable: Target: Temp; Value: Var(Blank3); Modification Type: Add4. Modify Variable: Target: Temp; Value: Var(Blank4); Modification Type: Add5. Modify Variable: Target: Temp; Value: Var(Blank5); Modification Type: AddAt this point all 5 answers are inthe variable called temp.6: Display: Correct; Condition tab: 5 lines: Temp Contains Taste; then Temp Contains Touch, etc.

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