Should I change horses midstream or....

Hi, Kevin -I'll be working on this course by myself, so the fact that my other developers haven't installed 2008 yet is not a factor. (And, by the time I'm done with the course, they'll all have installed 2008.)It's more a question of whether to take a chance and give myself the option of using the nifty new features found in 2008 as I develop the new modules or take the safer path and finish this whole course out in 2007.Ben suggested a middle ground that I might go with -- using 2008 to take advantage of the new development tools, but not building in any published features that 2007 can't support, in case I find I need downgrade it later. I might go with that approach, but I'm curious if anyone has actually come to this bridge and, if so, how they chose to cross it. (I know - I'm mixing my metaphors now )Laura

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