Two ReviewLink Suggestions

Two things I wish I could have done with ReviewLink today (and, if I could have done them, can someone let me know how?)....

First, I'd like to be able to resend an invitation to a course in ReviewLink to someone. I originally invited someone to review a course back in February and, today, she wanted to review it again and wanted me to send "it" to her again. I did tell her she could just log into ReviewLink (I manually emailed her the URL for that) and then she should see the course there, but I would have preferred to have been able to resend the original invitation.

Second, I'd like to be able to see whether someone I invited has actually gone into the course, even if they haven't sent me any feedback yet. I know ReviewLink isn't supposed to be an LMS, but a few basic LMS-like features, like this one, would be VERY helpful!

Thanks for "listening"! :)

Discussion (2)

Thank you! We have written up these suggestions. Very useful!


I really like the idea of knowing when a reviewer viewed a project, even if they've made no comments.

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