Multiple Concurrent Lectora Installations

Hi, all -When Lectora 2008 came out, I chose to keep my Lectora 2007 installation and do 2008 as an additional installation (so I could keep both in case there were any problems with courses we had developed in 2007 or in case I needed to open a 2007 course and not have it update to 2008). So now it's getting to be time for me to install 2009 and I'm wondering what issues I would encounter if I chose to do the same thing (and, thus, have THREE different versions of Lectora cohabitating on my computer). Has anyone else done this?Also, I'm wondering how I can do a parallel installation, since I don't have an actual v9 CD and it looks like the autoinstall download wants to behave like a update, rather than a full installation. (I didn't actually say "yes" to the update message, so I could be wrong about this.) Thanks, in advance, for any info!Laura

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