Two Questions About Creating Tests in Lectora

Can I take a page I already designed (background, title bar, navigation icons, etc.) and just put it inside a test section to make a valid test page? Or do I have to start with a test page that Lectora provides when I create the test?

Also, is there any specific I need to make sure to do within Lectora (other than to publish to SCORM 2004) to make sure that my LMS can report on learners' responses at the question level (not just the overall test scores)?

(Boy, am I out of practice with Lectora! :P )

Discussion (5)

There's nothing like a "test page" in Lectora. You can use any page created within or outside the test chapter.

I don't have too much experience with Scorm 2004, but there are no 2004-specific settings neither in the question properties nor in the publishing options, maybe check "The published course will report Test/Survey Question interaction to the LMS".

Editing didn't bump this up above the post with my previous question, so adding this reply to hopefully accomplish that.

Perfect, thanks! That's what I thought, but I'm woefully out of practice with Lectora, having been sidelined with non-Lectora-based projects for almost two years now (good lord, how time flies!). I very much appreciate the confirmation, as I didn't want to spend hours creating this test only to find out that it wasn't going to work. Now I can move full speed ahead! :)


Thanks for responding, Tim! By "test page," I mean the first page that gets created when you insert a new test, which comes with it's own navigation buttons, etc. I created a page outside of that and am thinking that, as long as I move it to within the test section (or "chapter," if you prefer), that it should function as a page in the test, right? That's what I'm hoping for!

That page is just a page to make sure the new chapter / section is not empty and you can see those navigation buttons, or the timer or whatever objects you select from the test properties. You can delete it or move it and / or use your own pages.

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