JavaScript Training for Lectora Users?

I'm pretty comfortable with most of Lectora's built-in functionality, including using actions and variables to get things done that might not be quite "out of the box," but I really think it would be a good idea if I learned JavaScript so that I can *really* make Lectora bend to my will! Does anyone know of a course, book, etc. (the less expensive and more easily accessible the better) that I can use to learn the aspects of JavaScript that would be most helpful for me as a Lectora developer? Most of what I've found so far is very generic and/or web-page oriented. I do try to read and analyze some of the code that folks post here, but, although I can sometimes follow what I'm reading, I know that I wouldn't be able to create any of that code from scratch myself. Does an e-learning oriented JavaScript tutorial/book/class even exist?TIA for any leads you can give me!LauraP.S. I'm in the Greater Boston area, in case that info helps...

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