Improved Drag-and-Drop Functionality
June 5, 2008 12:00 AM
I’ve been discussing this with folks over on the General Discussions board, but I thought I should post a synopsis of the improved drag-and-drop functionality that I’m wishing for on this board, where it might catch a Trivantis developer’s attention and do some good! Here’s the wish… I really wish that the target area didn't have to be the same size as the drop image. I think that one of the best uses for drag-and-drop functionality is to create a sorting/categorizing "bucket" activity, where the specific order of the responses within each bucket is not relevant and where I'd like the learner to be able to see all of the placed answers. So, for example, I might have an activity with strips each containing the names of different types of animals ("monkey," "frog," "wombat," etc.) and the person has to sort the strips into categories of "Mammals," "Reptiles," and "Marsupials." I create a bucket for each category with blank strips the same size as the name strips (all strips are the same size, so they don't give the answer away to the learner). When the learner is done, I want them to be able to see all of the names they've placed in the blanks in the proper buckets. I have created an activity like this by having the results calculated manually through a very tedious set of conditions that test to make sure that none of the strips are in any of the spots they should be (example: "Question 0002 does not contain 2-4"), but I wish I could have just make a drop area the size of the whole bucket and a strip placed anywhere within that drop area would be evaluated the same way.Another option that would be okay (maybe even better?) would be if the functionality would allow the developer to specify multiple possible correct drop locations for each drop image (much the same way as a fill-in-the-blank question allows for multiple possible correct answers).TIA for considering this!Laura
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