E-Learning, NOT Web-Page Templates!

Scrolling of any kind within any learning package should not happen. It makes the screen layout look sloppy and badly laid out. I dont think convention of just down the bottom right was attributed to just fixed layouts, but more as to how the typical humans eyes work from a top left scanning down to finish up at the bottom right of the screen. Furthermore, if a page needs to scroll, then there is simply too much on the page, and should go onto another page, or anyother method of display supplimental text.Every project I have worked upon has had varying layouts of buttons/navigation text etc, with some having the main buttons at the bottom right with secondary buttons at the top right. It doesn't matter as long ast the buttons remain consistent throughout the lesson or whole range of lessons.However, I do agree with Teocat about the layouts supplied, they do not really give great "out of the box" examples of e-learning screens, and personally I also think that they should provide maybe the original PSD files, so that people can quickly knock up another template based upon them - as you would get with the other web-based template vendors.Key navigation is also very useful, as I am sure (like myself) some people would sooner use the keyboard, especially for shortcuts in applications etc.Like with everything, there are some ways that are better than others and some that are no good. It also boils down to what your client expects - whether your building something to fulfil their corporate identity or something that fulfils their needs for their training. but the main crux of it all, would be that Trivantis could be very kind and supply more templates and also to us developer types, to keep the products consistent.How about having a gallery of examples of screen layouts with our comments about why we did it like that?

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