Progress Bars Not Showing Correct Number of Bar "Chunks"

Yes - it's me again, lol!

I've added a progress bar to the bottom of each page of my 13-page (13-question) quiz. I included an action on each page to set the progress bar's "step" to be the same as whatever the number of the question is. (So, for example, the first page/question sets the progress bar step to "1" and the second page/question sets the progress bar to step "2" and so on.)

However, the number of bars that show on the progress bar doesn't really match the number of the step -- it seems to be 1/2 or 1 bar more than the step I set it to, as you can see in the attached image. I tried setting the first page/question to step 0 and going on from there, but then it showed no bars on the first page and 1 on the second, etc., so that's not the solution.

So, any thoughts/suggestions as to how to make it display properly? Am I doing something wrong, or is this a flaw within the default progress bar that Lectora provides? Also, without creating a custom image, is it possible to just show the progress bar as a solid bar that increases in length, without showing separate "chunks" within it? That would make the problem I'm having less obvious than showing separate chunks of the wrong quantity.


Discussion (4)

It's not a flaw, it's an image ;-) The image is displayed in 13 steps. If you want each step to match one chunk you'll have to give the progress bar a matching width. Each chunk in the default image is 10 px wide, 8 px green shape 1 px white border on each side. Each step should reveal one chunk when the progress bar has a width of 130 px.

@tmk - You, sir, are a genius and a lifesaver! That totally fixed my problem!

Yeah - I considered that, but didn't really want to spend the time coming up with a custom image. The previous solution is working fine, so I'm happy! :)

Presumably you could just use a continuous image, no separation into bits and blobs, and it would just extend as the student answered questions.

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