Some of My Actions Have Gone Rogue!

I am experiencing the strangest problem and I'm wondering if anyone's ever had this happen to them (and, if so, what they did about it)...I have a few actions that are triggering themselves for no reason I can discern! Here's what's supposed to happen (what I think I'm telling Lectora to do)... I'm working on a football-themed practice activity. After completing the final quiz question, the user clicks the Check Me button to evaluate their answer. Lectora then displays feedback about the answer (which is working just fine) and a Play Result button. If the user answered the question correctly (which is what I've been testing for), when the user clicks the Play Result button, Lectora should execute the actions below.1. Display a picture of the kicker and text saying that the ball sailed through the goalposts2. After a 2-second delay, hide the kicker picture and show the picture of a ref making the touchdown sign.3. After a 6-second delay (from the time the user clicked the Play Result button), the picture of the ref and the text that was displayed in step 1 above should hide, and an animation of a marching band coming down a field should appear and play. 4. 12 seconds after the Play Result button was clicked, a Play Again button should appear.As you can see, all of those actions are supposed to be triggered by clicking the Play Result button.But here's the freaky thing that's happening...Lectora is executing all of the Play Result actions that have delays before I even click the Play Result button! I click the Check Me button and, after executing the actions that are on the Check Me button, Lectora goes ahead and executes the actions in steps 3 and 4 above.I ran this in debug mode, and, sure enough, you can see this freakish behavior reflected right in the action log:Here's where I click the Check Me button and all of the stuff that's supposed to happen as a result happens (I've added color and bolding to make it easier to see what's going on):Action [Check Me> fired!Action [SetOldYardage on Check Me> fired!saveVariable for OldYardage to [16>Action [IncrementCounter on Check Me> fired!readVariable for Counter = [4>saveVariable for Counter to [5>Action [CorrectAnswer5 on Check Me> fired!saveVariable for FB1 to [That's correct! //r Now click the "Play Result" button to see how the kick went...>Action [SetYardsGainedPt1 on Check Me> fired!saveVariable for YardsGained to [16>Action [SetYardsGainedPt2 on Check Me> fired!readVariable for YardsGained = [16>saveVariable for YardsGained to [0>Action [SetYardLinePt1 on Check Me> fired!saveVariable for YardLine to [10>Action [SetYardLinePt2 on Check Me> fired!readVariable for YardLine = [10>saveVariable for YardLine to [-6>Action [ShowPlayResult on Check Me> fired!Action [ShowFeedback on Check Me> fired!readVariable for FB1 = [That's correct! //r Now click the "Play Result" button to see how the kick went...>Now here's what happens can see that these actions are on the Play Result button, but you can also see that the Play Result button hasn't fired (like in the bold item above that shows the Check Me button firing):Action [ShowBandAnim on Play Result> fired!Action [HideStatusText on Play Result> fired!Action [HideRefTD on Play Result> fired!Action [ShowPlayAgainDelay on Play Result> fired!Now, here's me actually clicking on the Play Result button and it executing all of the actions that are on that button (including re-executing the one's it erroneously executed above:Action [Play Result> fired!Action [HidePlayResultButton on Play Result> fired!Action [HideQuestionGroup on Play Result> fired!Action [HideFeedback on Play Result> fired!Action [HideInstructions on Play Result> fired!Action [ShowKicker on Play Result> fired!Action [SetStatusTextTDKick on Play Result> fired!saveVariable for StatusText to [Congratulations - the ball sailed right through the uprights and you won the point and the game! //r Now sit back and enjoy the fanfare!>Action [ChangeGameStatusText on Play Result> fired!readVariable for StatusText = [Congratulations - the ball sailed right through the uprights and you won the point and the game! //r Now sit back and enjoy the fanfare!>Action [ShowGameStatusText on Play Result> fired!Action [ShowRefTDKick on Play Result> fired!Action [HideKicker on Play Result> fired!Action [ShowBandAnim on Play Result> fired!Action [HideStatusText on Play Result> fired!Action [HideRefTD on Play Result> fired!Action [ShowPlayAgainDelay on Play Result> fired!I have double- and triple-checked that the actions from the Play Result button that seem to be triggering themselves are NOT set to trigger On Show -- they're definitely set to On Click. But since I haven't clicked the Play Result button, I can't figure out what's causing them to run!!!!If you've read this far, I really appreciate your taking the time to do that, and, if you can help me solve this problem, I'd appreciate it even more! I've already tried deleting and recreating those actions, but that didn't work. I've also tried clearing my cache, but that didn't work either. The only thing that does make a difference is if I remove the delays, but then I don't know how to get the page to play out the way I want it to. For some reason, though, it does appear that this problem is connected to those actions being on a delay...Any thoughts????LauraP.S. I'm using Lectora 2008 Pro Suite, XP, and IE6.

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