Menu Tab


1. I added Menu tab to have progress status bar as a part of course.

2. However, menu tab for me is overlapped with another page.

3. Where is the disconnect.


Discussion (7)

It looks like the images are in front of the buttons. They seem to be on a white background. That is, there is a white rectangle with the black art drawn on it. Move them backward (right-click and choose Layering) or make the menu "always on top" (Properties tab of the Ribbon).

Thank you Carl.

I added "always o

n top" for menu, it worked.

However, shouldn't MENU be a separate page? That is how I tried to add it to the course but it seems to be overlapping splash screen.

I don't know of any way to overlap pages in Lectora. If the menu was on a different page, you wouldn't see it on this one.

I am for sure doing something wrong. Unable to figure out the error.

There is no error ;-) A menu is an object like an image and can be placed anywhere on each page. If you want it to be on a separate page you'll need to create that page first. When you put it on title level, it will appear on every page. That's the way it's meant to be. You can now style it and place it somewhere whithin the theme so it doesn't overlap with page content. The same that you'd do with the Next or Exit buttons.

Thank you Timk..placement matters :)

It helped.


1. I want 'Terminology' and 'Accounting Software' page to appear when a user clicks it in MENU tab.

One page/topic at a time.

2. Can I add link to a menu topic. Example- to terminology or accounting software.