Click to reveal

1. There are three shapes on the screen.

2. With click of each shape, unique content appears.

3. And simultaneously, other two shapes are hidden.

4. I have tried doing this in the attached file.

5. It works for one shape, not for others.

6. Where am I going wrong? Or is it wrong approach?

Discussion (2)

take a look at some of the click-to-reveals in the eLearning Brothers template library. Ignore what the template looks like; find one that behaves similar to how you want yours to work. Open it up in Lectora and examine how our template team set it up. See if you can recreate that functionality in your project.

A lot of the best Lectora developers deconstruct our templates this way and use them as learning tools.

Seems to be working when I looked at it. What you are going to have problems with though, is clicking on an object to show things that transition in slowly, then rely on 'mouse exit' of the object to hide content and show the shapes again. You won't have that kind of control over the user, and it takes too much to explain (without any real benefit in functionality).

I would highly recommend Chris's suggestion - use a page template, and then just swap out with the objects you want. That will get you comfortable with the logic needed, and actions required to facilitate.