Lectora - Adding Section


Why is the content getting repeated when I am trying to add Chapter 2 in the attached file?

Also, is SECTION or CHAPTER a better choice to add another scenario?



Discussion (4)

The usual hierarchy in projects should be "Project" > "Chapters" > "Sections" > "Pages", i.e. Sections are Sub-Chapters. Both chapters and sections exist to bring structure to the content.

Higher level elements may inherit (repeat) objects to lower levels.

For some reason in your course there is a chapter as an object on a page which makes the page the higher level element that inherits objects to the chapter. This should not be possible.

@timk - And how do I rectify this issue of Chapter as an object in the course?

Delete it? Move it?

@timk - And how do I rectify this issue of Chapter as an object in the course?

@carlfink - but I have to create another section under same course. Its the fresh section that I need to create.

Deleting or moving it isn't helping.