Course Presentation


Does this course look presentable? As in does it any which way reflect my skills?



Discussion (1)

It lacks an introduction. There is no title page, and no explanation of what the course is. You're just dropped right into an activity without any warning. "BANG! HERE'S A THING!" It's jarring.

Why is there a Close button in the progress bar?

There is a Back button on the first page. It doesn't do anything (there is no page to go Back to) so it should be disabled or hidden. Polish. Speaking of polish, the 5 light bulb images are not quite lined up. That's just sloppy.

The Next button takes you to page 2. The Next button on page 2 does not work. If I navigate back to page 1 using the Back button, I can't advance to page 2 again, either.

OK, I see that page 2 is the end. The only way I can know that is by looking at the course in the Lectora editor, because you don't give the student any clue that she is done with the course! It looks very unfinished.

If this is meant to be mainly inspirational, why not include inspirational music playing while the person reads your inspiring text?

What's the message here? What's the instructional objective? Who is the audience? If you're going to do instructional design, these are the questions you need to always be asking.

For a portfolio project, start with the basic questions:

  • What is the need that I'm fulfilling? What problem is my customer having that this course can solve?

  • Who are the audience for this course? 11-year-old cricket players? Retired people learning to use Google search? Professional engineers learning about their certification process to design large excavations? Each would require a different approach.

  • What are the specific learning objectives? For example, "After completing this course, the student will be able to diagnose problems with the injection valves of a Tata Motors diesel passenger sedan and recommend a repair," or "After completing this course, the student will be able to book air travel using the web site"

Document that, then document how you decided on a training modality, then create an actual lesson (not necessarily a complete course, but at least one lesson) that would actually teach someone how to do that.