Drag Option


I replicated this example into Lectora, as attached.

However, I am unable to add the option of drag on clicking of arrow.

Kindly suggest.




Discussion (7)


Any thoughts on the same?



There is no dragging in that example. Can you explain what you want to do in different words? To clarify, in user interface (UI) design, "drag" is to press down (either with a mouse button if you're using one, or your finger on a touch screen) and, while still pressing down, move your hand, thus causing the object in clicked/pressed on (such as a slider) to move.

Is the problem that you do not know how to do path animation in Lectora? You could cause those "click and the object moves sideways" actions very easily using OnMClkMoveTo actions on an object wider than the Stage.

(The word "Stage" comes from old-school Macromedia Flash, referring to the part of the animation that the viewer can actually see. Objects too far up, down, left or right to see would be "off stage", by analogy to watching a play in a theater, where people in the wings are not visible to the audience but are ready to enter. I don't know what ELB calls it.)

It works ... but.

There's no way to move them back to the left. The red arrows don't do anything.

Note to eLearning Brothers: that carriage return after "left" isn't in anything I typed. Your forum software inserts them sometimes after HTML tags the user types (in this case a closing Bold tag).

@carlfink - You are right. I got confused between drag and move.

I didn't realize that this action needed to be implemented.

Have done now, just check.

It works ... but.

The groups move to the right, but they also move down, which is odd. They should move horizontally only. Look at their positions in the Position and Size tab of the Ribbon, and in your Move actions, keep the "Y" number (vertical position) the same.

Also, the green rectangles in them disappear when they move.

There's no way to move them back to the left. The red arrows don't do anything.

@carlfink - Does this seem better?

I seem to going wrong with X axis coordinates?

Well, first of all, there is a lack of consistency. The objects are animated when moving to the right--you can see them move. Moving back to the left, they just teleport, no animation. This looks unpolished (and it's easy to fix). You would move both Group_1 and Group_4 to the same location, so Group_1 could move back to its original position when shown again.

You should develop the habit of waiting an hour or a day, then looking at your own work again, trying to see it as a student would.

It would be good practice to give the "groups" meaningful names. For instance, Group_1 could be Do_1, and Group_4 become Dont_1. That makes it clear to anyone looking at it (including you, in a couple of years when you return to this project) what they are and how they are related to each other.

The "rule 1.2" object starts with a y coordinate of 137. When the arrow1 action reveals it, it is then moved to position 500, 153. Notice that 153 is more than 137. :) (Note that the y coordinate is height. X is the horizontal position.) Changing the number to 137 let the object slide to the right and not down.

Speaking of polish, you might consider having the Do and Don't objects transition in, not blink. It just looks smoother. I suggest a fade.