Publish - Action


I am trying to publish a file, am getting this message.

What do I need to add to be able to publish the file?



Discussion (12)

Also, I added a file directly to reviewlink - it works.

But to have a SCORM file, I get this message.



The error is telling you you're missing some things an LMS would be looking for. See if this SCORM Basics Knowledge Base article helps.

@chris_willis - Thank you.

I tried few steps as suggested in the link, however I am still facing issues.

Can you show the upper most part of the TITLE EXPLORER screen/tab? I have a feeling it has something to do with not having an AU assigned in the project.

Malvika, your latest screen capture does not show any problems.

SCORM and AICC are publishing formats designed to communicate with the Learning Management System (LMS). Lectora insists that you actually do send some information to the LMS if you are going to publish in those formats. Specifically, you must either send a test score (which requires a scored test) or a "completion status" (such as passed, failed, or incomplete). You send completion status by setting the value of the variable AICC_Lesson_Status. You can also fake a completed test by setting the value of AICC_Score.

If your lesson can't be failed (and this is common), just set AICC_Lesson_Status to "passed" and publication will succeed.

I added AICC_Lesson_Status, and the file is now published.

To publish a publish, do I need to add EXIT course action also?



You don't need to have an Exit action to publish. It's usually a good design, but it is not required. The student can close the course by just closing the window.

Thank you.

Here is the upper part



Shouldn't this AICC_Lesson_Status be a reserved variable? It doesn't always reflect for me, why so?

Also, in the attached file - I added the variable 'AICC_Lesson_Status' but the file isn't getting published?



Figured this out, I was missing below - sorted now



Great job, Malvika!