Click to reveal


  1. I have a frame, where in I want learner to click OBJECTIVES button to know more.
  2. So, I removed next button from that frame so that learner clicks on OBJECTIVES.
  3. However, I am unable to link Objective to Next page.
  4. Do I need to take another appraoch?

Discussion (3)

Your trick made it look so simple :)


  1. I have a frame, where in I want learner to click OBJECTIVES button to know more.
  2. So, I removed next button from that frame so that learner clicks on OBJECTIVES.
  3. However, I am unable to link Objective to Next page.
  4. Do I need to take another approach?

All you need to do is have an action on the button: "On Click", "go to next page". In fact, you can copy the action that is on your 'Next' button, and paste it onto your Objectives button.


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