

Does Elearning brothers have infographics like the below link.



Discussion (13)

Hey, @mmalhotra-9265 we sure do! They are part of our Stock Asset Library subscription:

Thank You.

But I am unable to edit it to add my own content. I downloaded it but can I use it for my own customized text.


Kindly guide on how to use the infographics.



@mmalhotra-9265, do you have Adobe Illustrator or another vector-editing software? You need to download the EPS file:

Thank you Nic. I will download the vector-editing software.

This helps.

you bet! Please let me know if you have any other questions. ?

Hi Nic,

I downloaded lightshot, it is a great tool.

However, I am unable to use it for infographics as the LOREM content stays.

Need your guidance on how can I use the infographics.



@mmalhotra-9265 can you send me your file so I can take a look?

The text is in stock infographics is commonly outlined (meaning it's been converted from text to vector shapes) since they are meant to be place holders and replaced with your own text boxes.

Thank you for your patience Nic, and helping me learn.

File as attached.

@mmalhotra-9265 can you send me the .EPS file so I can open in Illustrator and see what the text is doing? Thanks!

Here you go.

@mmalhotra-9265 thank you! The text was outlined, which is pretty common for stock infographic files. It's usually done because the designer wants to show a stylized font being used, but can't offer the font files for download and when opened, the file would try to replace with a font you have installed. I added two text boxes for Step 02 as a default Arial font (attached). You should be able to edit that text and copy and paste the text boxes for the other steps. You can use any font you have installed, or can find many free fonts online (Google Fonts,, etc.). I hope this helps!

Thank you Nic. You have been really really helpful.

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