Combining couple of slides into a single frame


There are 4 slides as part of splash screen. Can this be combined into single frame in LECTORA?



Discussion (9)

There are 4 slides as part of splash screen. Can this be combined into single frame in LECTORA?

I'm not sure I know what you want to do. "Slides" is a PowerPoint thing-do you want to combine 4 PowerPoint slides into a single static image? Is there animation involved?

Reattaching the file.

Hi Carl,

In the attached file, there are 4 pages for Splash screen, and I want them to be combined into one.

Can I do that?

Having too many NEXT button in a file can be taxing for the user.

It still isn't clear what you want to do. Do you want to automatically display all four pages, with timing, like a PowerPoint slide show? That's very easy.

The confusion might be that "combine" doesn't convey "make an animation" to me. Combine would be "display all four graphics on one page."

How do you do that in Lectora?

"It still isn't clear what you want to do. Do you want to automatically display all four pages, with timing, like a PowerPoint slide show? That's very easy."

How do you do that in Lectora?

"It still isn't clear what you want to do. Do you want to automatically display all four pages, with timing, like a PowerPoint slide show? That's very easy."

Create four pages. On each page, put an action for OnShow: Go To Next Page. There's a Delay spin control in the Trigger region of the Ribbon. Set that to the right number of seconds, say 5 seconds. Don't show a Next or Previous button on the first three pages, but have a Next button on page 4.

The result will be that the lesson will open, display the first page, then 5 seconds later automatically move to page 2, five seconds later to page 3, and 5 seconds later to page 4, where it will stop until the student chooses Next Page.

To be fancy, you can add page transitions on the Properties tab of the Ribbon for each page.

Perfect. Thank you Carl.

Also, do we have a concept of seekbar in LECTORA, like we have in storyline?

Perfect. Thank you Carl.

Also, do we have a concept of seekbar in LECTORA, like we have in storyline?

I don't see any in the Lectora library, or in the ELB templates. Maybe you should post that as a feature suggestion for Lectora?

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