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Why are all buttons appearing when I click text against one button?



Discussion (17)

The button properties (by default) has the following option checked: 'always on top'.

And now how do I take this text off so that can click other button?

you can either reduce the size of the box to still show your buttons, or add an action on that image to hide this object.

You mean something like this?

Not exactly - here's one example:

It works..I would need more practice though. Thank you.

On another note, what is the trick to be proficient in Lectora. I try and do something atleast 5 days a week but I guess I still have a long way to go.

I agree with Chris - I've been at it a while, so it is just one layer at a time - and getting into variables and such right off is more of an advanced skill - usually after you've already been at the basics for a year or so (really applies to any authoring tool and variable use). I like helping out for a couple reasons - I really believe in the capabilities of this tool, and helping others often will give me new ideas of how to use to tool/page design ideas, etc. ; )

@mmalhotra-9265 Lectora is a mature authoring tool, so many folks in this forum have been working with it for years--like @cainam, who I applaud for his generosity in sharing his knowledge. Most of us started the same way you are -- by solving each new problem as it arises. When you're starting, everything is a new problem. :)

You've learned A LOT over the past few months, and you have the basics to create solid learning. Might I suggest that you take a step back and give your brain a chance to synthesize and work with everything you already know? Focus on the instructional design for a bit, and solidify the Lectora skills you already have. While you build your ID portfolio, you'll gain confidence, and build muscle memory and proficiency in Lectora.

Right you are Chris.

Malvika, one thing you could do is download some of the sample courses and see how they work. That certainly helped me.

@carlfink - Downloading the sample courses?

I have access to templates.

@carlfink - Downloading the sample courses?

Here are some additional, more recent course examples for you as well. If you use the filter at the top of the page you can see those available for Lectora. We'll be adding more examples here in soon!

Here are some additional, more recent course examples for you as well. If you use the filter at the top of the page you can see those available for Lectora. We'll be adding more examples here in soon!

Hey, Josh: a bit of SOE here ... the search "lectora sample courses download" does not find that page. You might want to create pages that actually have the H1 header and page name "[product] sample courses" and the word "download" on them somewhere, so Google and its brethren and sistren can find them.

Why, yes, I did build and optimize a new web site this past week. Thanks for asking.

Hey Carl, thanks for the heads up on this. I'll make sure this feedback gets passed on to our web team. Thanks again!

Here are some additional, more recent course examples for you as well. If you use the filter at the top of the page you can see those available for Lectora. We'll be adding more examples here in soon!

Hey, Josh: a bit of SOE here ... the search "lectora sample courses download" does not find that page. You might want to create pages that actually have the H1 header and page name "[product] sample courses" and the word "download" on them somewhere, so Google and its brethren and sistren can find them.

Why, yes, I did build and optimize a new web site this past week. Thanks for asking.

@Josh_Bleggi - Thank you, downloaded the example.

@carlfink - Thank you. Lot of samples, and will try and replicate them with lot of patience.