cookie gets filled far too easily

In our html project with a few sections and a few tests I am finding that the cookie is getting filled far too quickly.I learned off support that when variables get nulled for no apparent reason then it could be that the cookie has become full and is now overwriting on itself. Just by getting rid of some the bulk, you can test this to be the case.I was recommended to "slim down" questions by say using 1,2,3,4 instead of the text. This has worked in the past.However someone else has been doing some work and we really don't have the time to slim the whole thing down as its pretty big to begin with.Surely Trivantis don't think that in the real world people use software for just doing ten or so pages and a couple of questions?The very restricting limitations of the cookie size is lectora's biggest problem.We do not want to have to redo all this work and would like to know a solution. Its getting nulled in the middle of the first test, let alone the second one.

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