On select/change bug

I have found the on select/change feature of question objects to not have been properly tested by trivantis. I wish I had never decided to try and take advantage of this new "feature".Lets take an example. A Radio button question. For each radio button I changed the on select/change property to show image 1. Nothing wrong in that you say. I can then save. Then i go back to change the select/change property and lectora crashes. I am using lectora 2006. My PC is a new Dell pentium 3 ghz powerful little computer.In source the on select/change works fine. But the problem comes in html where it works in that it shows the image but much worse is the fact that it no longer populates the question variable with whatever has been selected. This means I can't validate.I started this title from new and have been very careful. and now I have a situation where I have 60 questions which won't work in html. Is there a patch for this problem? Or can somebody tell me what to do?

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