List of problems with Lectora 2006

The apostrophe issue is interesting because when you take a text field (and this is true when using any html editor product...even when I write my own html directly) that contains an apostrophe and send it to a cgi program that contains the variable in an sql statement, all hell will break loose. That is because it sees the apostrophe as a terminator of sorts as part of the sql. The way I deal with this is to change the apostrophe to something else (I typically use a tilda) after the request action in the cgi but before I submit to the database. When I do that I have no problems with apostrophes.However, when you do that you need to change it back to an apostrophe from a tilda when the database is being queried.I have noticed that you have posted ,in various places, issues you have found...and I appreciate hearing them because I encounter weird things on occasion too. However, I am wondering if some of these issues relate to scorm or LMS problems since few of the problems you describe I have encountered. Since I don't do scorm and I don't do an LMS I was curious as to whether those may be playing a role in what you are seeing if in fact you are doing scorm or are using an LMS. Could you tell us a little about the environment you are developing in and for?

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