anybody know what version of java you need for lectora?

 thanks greg and larry lizard.

Larry - the issue I have is that of legacy. I have titles that are like 5 years old and have been amended in Lectora 2204, Lectora 2005, Lectora 2006, 2007, 2008 and now 2009. What you find is that what works in java doesn't in pure javascript. Stuff likes "Variable 1 equals trivantis" will not be returned true whereas "Variable 1 contains trivantis" will. Bizarre stuff like that which I am sure is due to an old title being amended through the years by different lectora versions. So was really wanting a java publish. But I can see we are going to have to bite the bullet and publish to javascript and reprogram around any unaccountable behaviour.

rupertab said:When you publish to the java version, what version of java do you need on your computer? It is just that a course which worked at a client's a year ago, no longer does. It hangs on the "Loading Course" page and in the past this has always been a java problem. Anyone know? There is nothing in the help as to what version.

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