declaration of large number of variables leading to large file size

I've just realised what this is all about and this piece of knowledge may be very useful for anyone reading. If you have a form set to "Include all variable values in form submission" and the form can be submitted from any page, then all variables in the title will be declared on every page. This can lead to very large html pages which can be slow to load up. The way round it , is to not have that check box checked. The way you submit from a php page if you were manually coding is by invisible form elements. And you can do the same with lectora. If you just want 10 variables submitting, then create 10 invisible entry fields. populate the values of these with the variable values you want. Your php page will them receive variables, Entry_1,Entry_2,Entry_3 etc. Remember what is posted is the element name, not the ID.


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