changing date in lectora exe

if I use the reserved variable CurrentDate and display it on a page, I get '09 June 2009'. I really need that to be 090609. If I was publishing to html, I could just use external html object, do some programming and I could achieve what I wanted. Unfortunately, I have to compile to exe. I take it with exe publish there is no way to achieve what I want (as you can't use external html object). I just wanted to check really. Thanks.if I use the reserved variable CurrentDate and display it on a page, I get '09 June 2009'. I really need that to be 090609. If I was publishing to html, I could just use external html object, do some programming and I could achieve what I wanted. Unfortunately, I have to compile to exe. I take it with exe publish there is no way to achieve what I want (as you can't use external html object). I just wanted to check really. Thanks.

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