List of problems with Lectora 2006

I just noticed your own reply on 6 above....where you discuss the title manager. In Lectora 2006 try the new javaScript title manager. There is no applet load time.....something that has been bothersome in the past. There are some small gotchas on it though that you have to be aware of......anything left blank has ~~~null~~~ sent as the variable contents. That can be really annoying if you aren't prepared for it. I post process in my cgi to change that to absolutely nothing if it appears. I think it can also be done within Lectora as a change variable contents on the condition that ~~~null~~~ is there but it takes too long in Lectora to write that.By handling it in the cgi, I can copy/paste the three lines of code that convert it...and then quickly go in and change the variable names to their correct ones. It just adds a lot of lines of code to every cgi script I write. I wish they could eliminate that. On the java version of the title manager, ~~~null~~~ only appears if you started to fill in a text box then change your mind and del the contents of the box.Edited By: tekprof on 2006-3-25 19:1:33

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