On select/change bug

RupertAB,Hope this helps. I know I felt helpless when this happened to me.I tried your issue w/ True/false question and a MC question. Both work fine. I had some similar trouble recently where one question got corrupted and reacted like you are describing. It seemed to affect other questions and the display of other pages. Weird. To fix the problem you can try what I did. Create a brand new file and a brand new question. (No copying from the existing problem title please.) See if you have the problem. If so, you might try reinstalling Lectora. If that doesn't work, contact support because it works fine here.Now if it does work in this new case, try to identify the offending question(s). Copy questions a few at a time into the new title. See if they work.If one batch does not work, take them out, make sure the new title still works, and then try another. You Hopefully you did not copy the same question 60 times w/o testing it. In which case, you may have to recreate them all. Sorry.Hope this helps. I know I felt helpless when this happened to me.ben

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