anybody know what version of java you need for lectora?

I would highly recommend staying away from Java as there really isn't any sure proof version of Java that you can get to work on all machines. You may take a version of Java that works on numerous machines and place it on another machine and it will not work for them. Using the JavaScript Title Manager is a much better option for you as it does not require a 3rd party plug in to be installed in order for the content to function correctly. Trivantis still has users using and requesting this option, hence it remaining in the product, but if it were totally up to Trivantis, they would remove this publish option. The only function in the application that would force you to use the Java Title Manager is if you were using the email functionality. If this is a requirement in any course, I would recommend using a cgi script to handle this as using the email functionality requires the end users machine to have Java installed as well as their machine and the server configured correctly to have an open smtp port, port 25 of both machines. A lot of hassle for the end user and the IT Dept to deal with so use the cgi option and the JavaScript Title Manager if any of your courses in the future will require emailing of form or test results.

rupertab said:When you publish to the java version, what version of java do you need on your computer? It is just that a course which worked at a client's a year ago, no longer does. It hangs on the "Loading Course" page and in the past this has always been a java problem. Anyone know? There is nothing in the help as to what version.

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