Script for Compatibility View Settings?
December 1, 2016 12:00 AM
So, we're running into more and more situations where users are having issues with courses due to browser compatibility view settings. I was wondering if anyone had a script that I could include in the 1st page of the course that would deal with it.
I know that since we're launching the SCORM courses from an LMS, there are various issues related to the window (scripts only apply to the page, not the parent window, etc.) - but you never know - maybe one of you smarties has a solution.
Discussion (6)
We are experiencing the same issue. Suggestions would be great.
Yes, you can use Meta Tags. Can you be more specific about the problem? Is this an Internet Explorer issue?
This might help. It's IE so you always have to keep your fingers crossed.
A client of mine had the same issue. Their LMS forced IE to the lower browser compatibility-settings. In the end ( after a day of searching and trial and error ) we found out the LMS just had a selector to force IE to a specific compatibility, and it was set to low. ( i do think it was Cornerstone, but other LMS's might have something like it too )
Quickest way to check whether the LMS forces IE to the lower settings is uploading the scormed course to another LMS or Scormcloud. If it behaves fine there, apparently your clients LMS forces IE down. Next step would be, find the appropriate setting in the LMS.
Metatags wont fix it, cause the LMS will still force it.
Yes - this is an IE issue. (Changing to a different browser isn't an option.) When going through a course, seemingly random elements do not appear. When you go to Tools - Compatibility View Settings - and then remove the sites that have been added to Compatibility View, as well as check the "Display intranet sites in Compatibility View" all these issues are then resolved.
As more and more people use our courses, we are getting more and more help desk notices for this issue.
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