Dynamic Animated Views / Floor Plans
March 16, 2021 12:00 AM
Thinglink and Seekbeak both provide support for dynamic view indicators: https://seekbeak.com/2019/11/19/d-a-v-i-d-dynamic-animated-view-indicators-dude/
Thinglink also plots any scene objects within the view. Now that you can adjust scene start positions when you link to scenes i should be easy to add thins functionality into the main scene.
Linking to floor plans would also be advantageous. I currently send users back to the home page to see a floor plan because there is no central shared library system and I don't want to duplicate over and over.
Discussion (2)
Here's the new Setting Scene Start Direction video: https://youtu.be/xQo0BJT5os8
Hey, I requested that! (I don't know if my request influenced you, of course.)
Here's the new Setting Scene Start Direction video: https://youtu.be/xQo0BJT5os8