Media Loading Issues - Consistency across devices

Does anyone else use the same scenarios on different devices? Do you have problems with media not loading or playing?

I've got a relatively simple scenario, all works on tablets and PCs but when loaded on a VR headset none of the jpg images appeared. I repackaged, redownloaded and extracted and then it was fine, I had to do this 10 times, once for each headset!

A different scenario, all works fine until I enter a scene with two small mp4 videos. On a VR headset it hangs with the spinning blue loading indicator. Works fine on the PC, works on tablets except the videos don't actually play but at least they loaded.

Discussion (8)

Which headset? They all have different strengths and weaknesses.

I've had issues with, for instance, Oculus headsets not displaying specific SVG files consistently.

We use Pico G2 headsets. I resized the videos so they were smaller in dimensions and file size, it made no difference. I then copied them into a brand new CVR and they worked but oddly the two arrow icon buttons I'd added to toggle the show/hide didn't pick up, poor quality '?' graphics appeared instead.

So I know the videos do work in CVR, just not in the scene I need them to work in. The scene is very simple with hardly any objects in.

I've had somewhat similar experiences. The only thing I could do, in the end, was to rebuild the entire scene from scratch.

That's the reply I got back from elearning brothers support. It puts an element of distrust in the product. I don't want to build a really detailed scene only to find it doesn't work in VR and then have start again building and testing bit by bit.

That's the reply I got back from elearning brothers support. It puts an element of distrust in the product. I don't want to build a really detailed scene only to find it doesn't work in VR and then have start again building and testing bit by bit.

Have you upvoted my enhancement request one forum over? The one for real versioning in CVR?

Is that the Pico G2, or the G24K? They have very different capabilities

Is that the Pico G2, or the G24K? They have very different capabilities

Pico Goblin G2 4K VR Headset (PICOG24K)

The G24K is generally a good headset, we use it quite often.

If you are still having issues with that headset loading some content, can you send an export of the scenario to