
Menu items are not keyboard accessible

Hi Everyone,

Does anyone know how to make menu items keyboard accessible? Our training failed the 508 testing because the menu items are not keyboard accessible. Please see the picture below and let me know if there's a trick to do it.

I'm using Lectora desktop V.21.4.4

Thank you!


Menus are not accessible. I've written up an issue to make them accessible but currently they are not. Other community members may have a workaround they use. You can run the Accessibility Checker on the Tools menu to check for non-accessible Lectora Objects.

Discussion (1)

Menus are not accessible. I've written up an issue to make them accessible but currently they are not. Other community members may have a workaround they use. You can run the Accessibility Checker on the Tools menu to check for non-accessible Lectora Objects.