Add shortcuts to buttons

Hi Everyone,

Is there a way to add shortcuts to buttons? For my training to pass our Agency's 508 compliance, any button should have an alternative shortcut. Do we've this feature in Lectora 17? If not, is there a workaround it?

Thank you

Discussion (3)

Yes! There's a keystroke trigger that lets you dictate that if a certain keystroke or combination of multiple keys is entered then an action will file. For example, a common use is to have a title level action that if the user selects Esc (Escape) the title closes.

Since your question is related to accessibility you may want to consider joining the Accessibility group here on the community and posing it out to members who are actively creating accessible content in Lectora.

Thank you Jennifer. I've actually used the keystroke trigger to perform general actions; however, I want to assign shortcuts for buttons performing specific actions within the lesson. In Captivate, you can assign the shortcut to the button when you insert it, so the action is triggered by either way: the button or the shortcut. Does Lectora have the same feature?

Not at this time but I'll be sure to bring it up as a possible future enhancement with the development team.

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