I'm new to Lectora and I was trying to upload my Lectora zipped file to SCORM Cloud for testing but received this message: "Course import failed: zip file contained no courses." SCORM Cloud file upload instructions state:


To import a course package into SCORM Cloud, it needs to be zipped up (.zip) and needs to be either a SCORM, AICC or xAPI course package.

A undefined

Discussion (5)

Is this still an issue?

I'm sorry for the delay. Yes, it is still existing and I cannot test the file thus far.

Thanks for any tip.

When you installed did you Run As Administrator? Are other courses showing this issue? If you haven't done so already please open a support ticket.

Thank you Jennifer. I think I figured it out. I was not publishing it to SCORM, but when I did, it worked fine. I'm sorry, I'm new to Lectora.

Thank you,

No worries! We've all been there. If you need help finding any resources just give me a holler by tagging me on the site @jvalley4735

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