Trouble with action conditional tab!

Dear all,

I am experiencing difficulty with using a condition in an action property.

I have two AU’s in my lesson (the lesson and the test) but the lesson portion needs to have a value of 7 subtracted from the total number of lesson pages (to compensate for invisible non-lesson pages).

The problem is that I do not want this value (7) subtracted in the test AU because it gives an incorrect total page count.

The action properties are as follows:

On: Show

Action: Modify Variable

Target: NewTotalInTitle

Value: 7

Modification Type: Subtract from Variable

*Condition tab *

Checked – Perform action ONLY if the following is TRUE:

Variable: AUTitleName

Relationship: Contains

Value: Course:

*Else tab *

Checked – If the conditions are not met, perfor the following action:

Action: Modify Variable

Target: NewTotalInTitle

Value: 0

Modification Type: Subtract from Variable

Adding the conditional tab makes the action fail. I have also tried an “Equal To” relationship, different variations of the “Value”.

In debug mode, I have confirmed that the “Value” for “CurrentTitleName” is valid… actually it is, “Course: CSE301TTEN” but using “Contains” should make “Course:” valid, correct? Anyhow, I have also tried the full AUTitleName with no success. I also tried a relationship of “Does Not Contain” and a value of "Test" but that too failed to work. In all cases, I am careful to maintain correct spelling and capitalization.

It appears as though the conditional tab is being ignored.


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