Publishing errors - "invalid destinations" that do not exist!

Hello folks,

This issue is not necessary related to my previous issues as these errors have existed long before my current problems.

But these publishing errors are becoming increasingly annoying and puzzling.

When I publish any of my courses, I see a large number of red text errors and these errors make no sense!

There are usually as follows:

There is a Show action on this page with an invalid destination

audiofile1 has an invalid destination on this page.

There is a Toggle Visibility action on this page with an invalid destination

audiofile1 has an invalid destination on this page.

These will repeat many times on a given page and repeat again, for other audio flv files on other pages.

The errors can be double-clicked which then takes you to the offending audio file (BTW, the errors are always associated with audio flv files).

The problem is that none of these offending audio files have actions associated with them. Some do not have embedded events, while other audio files have embedded events but they are all properly assigned actions.

Despite the errors, the courses do publish and work as intended (with the exception of some problems as of today).

If I were to guess the nature of this problem, it seems as though Lectora is remembering old audio files and/or actions that have long since been removed.

Why is this happening and how do I fix this?

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