Publishing to Review Link
April 27, 2020 12:00 AM
Hi Everyone,
I hope you're all safe and healthy.
I'm trying to publish my course on Review Link, but I'm receiving this message " The connection with the server was reset" and then I cannot upload the course. Do you have any idea how to resolve this?
Thank you,

Discussion (7)
Thanks for your answers.
Typically, you can receive the 'connection with the server was reset' message if
- you are publishing a large course
- there is an issue with your network or internet connection.
- there is an issue with the course contents that would be problematic on the server
Since your course is small, I suspect there may be an issue with your network or internet connection.
Or, it could be with the course itself. Is there any way for you to send me a copy of the course? If so, export the course as a Zip or LO package and send me the .zip or .pkg file. My email address is
Thanks Jim. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to share my training. If you kindly guide me to some of the clues that I can look for, I maybe able to resolve it.
Many thanks,
Hi Therese!
Lets see if I can help. A few questions first:
- How large is this course?
- Have you published this course before without error?
- Can you publish any other courses?
Thank you Jim. Here are my answers:
1- about 32,711 kb
2- Yes, I published it without errors. It was published fine on SCORM and HTML
3- Yes, the ReviewLink worked fine with other courses.
Thanks for any tip.
No problem.
I would first look at the course name and page names. Remove/replace quotes of any kind.
Thank you Jim. It is resolved. I found that I had quotes in the title, and when I removed them, it uploaded to ReviewLink.
Many thanks,
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