Cut & paste of multiple choice Questions
February 9, 2007 12:00 AM
We format our text boxes to use Myriad Pro for questions. Since it is not a standard system font you have to right click each text box and render it as an image on publish - so that all user's see the Myriad Pro font w/o it reverting to arial or some other standard font as a published course. I have made a series of library objects for Mulitiple Choice, Mulitple Multiple Choice and True/False, since that is what we usually use. This way all of the text boxes are rendered in the Library Oject for me already, all I have to do is copy the text in. The LO's I made include the question with 1, 2, 3, or 4 lines of text. I named them using an easily identifialbe naming convention so I can spot the one i need.Q_MMC_Txt1_Ch4.awo (Question, Multiple Multiple Choice, one line of text in the question, with 4 choices)Q_MMC_Txt1_Ch5.awo(Question, Multiple Multiple Choice, one line of text in the question, with 5 choices)Q_MMC_Txt2_Ch4_.awo(Question, Multiple Multiple Choice, two lines of text in the question, with 4 choices)Q_MMC_Txt2_Ch5_.awo(Question, Multiple Multiple Choice, two lines of text in the question, with 5 choices)Also! The new paste unformatted text shortcut key is very helpful as well. Cntrl + Shift + V. A trick for that... because it is glitchy...Since I already have these LO's set up, with the correct font. You sometimes have to paste over the text but leave the first letter and delete that random letter afterwards. I find that even though I'm pasting unformatted text it will sometimes loose the font or color if I replace ALL of the text and not leave at least one "formatted" letter. I hope that makes sense to everyone - hard to explain w/o showing.If anyone wants my .awo files, just e-mail me. I think i have some posted on Pitman's Lectora exchange already. They aren't perfect but I believe helpful... take care all!
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