course completion tracking and bookmarkin

Depends. Some people put a .exe on the internet and then set up a link. The link downloads the entire course to learner's hard drive and then they run it from there. Most people put web pages out there. One advantage is that you can use Javascript to do more stuff. Disadvantages are page download time and different browsers do different things with the page. Instructions for what?If you are talking re. HTML (LMS or not) thenIf you mean email, go to the results page and click the Help button. Try it. It may or may not work depending on how your IT dept. has you set up.If you mean bookmarks, the LMS will have one for you. If you do not have an LMS either search the forum for bookmark or go to my website and look at Launch Window Control and Bookmarks. Maybe those can help you.Please post more questions. I go off the air about 8:00 tonite - heading for conf.

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