Course Completion

I too did something similiar, but am struggling to locate the code. I wanted to have a flag (check mark) that showed a persons progress. So I identified the number of pages in each chapter and hid an image next to the nav buttons in the menu. Then as each page was visited I incremened a variable by 1. When the variable counted to the number of pages in the chapter, then I allowed the check mark to show complete.Two problems with this... firstly, the first party to this forum indicated they wanted to continue to utilize the drop down menu... this can create a jump around affect and less of a sequential progression through the chapter. Also, there was no check in place to see if a user already visited a page, so they could go forward and back 10 times on two pages and subsequently show the progression check mark for a 20 page chapter...It was only used for vanity purposes, the check mark that is. However, I did also add a variable that would only take the learner to a final page, if all of the check marks were displaying, or all the conditions were met for each chapter. Then as the user arrived at this page, I reported the AICC Lesson Status as complete. This was the only way they could complete the course.Hope this helps... and not confuses.

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