Audio on and off

Create a True/False question at the beginning of the course, something like 'Would you like to have the narration on or off?' Make the true choice 'on' and make the false choice 'off'. Make sure 'on' is the correct answer.The variable name for this question will probably be 'Question_0001'.For each audio file uncheck auto start and intially visible. Then, attach an action that 'On: Show' 'Action: Play' 'Target: Audio File 1'. Then click the 'conditions' tab and 'perform action only if' 'Variable: Question_0001' 'Relationship: is correct'.Add that action on every audio file and it will only play if Quesion_0001 is correct, and the correct answer will be 'On'.Edited By: tory.hornsby on 2007-8-17 11:25:14

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