Course Completion

It depends on the company you do work for as well. For Example, I do work for BMW and MINI... BMW is a bit more on the strict side with style guides and approach. Fact is, Click whipping happens, (even more so when you are dealing with car salesmen :-)MINI I get to have a bit more fun with as they are liberal on things. I have gone as far as having a video playing and have the video freeze and have a question pop up asking what color the hosts T-shirt is. Just something to keep them awake. I find that when it comes to children in school, they are there fore school and and education, that is there job. For the adult community, Education ends up being more of an inconvenience that they are forced to do because their company requires it. Some companies require things like 15 credits a year. Adults don't see this as a chance to grow, they see it as something that takes them away from their real 'job'. I find that keeping learning humorous is usually the only way I can keep attention on the course.

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