printing course

Sounds like this requires that you keep TWO copies of the course up to date. i.e. every time you make a change to the .awt file you have to go and make the same change to the .doc file. Wow! lots of work here. I wonder if I could get my clients to pay for this. Could significantly increase my revenue stream! I work from a PowerPoint template that is a close approximation of the course. It is developed by the client with content. I clean it up somewhat and get approval on my changes, rearrangements, drawings. Then I delete all graphics and drawings and use the PowerPoint Integrator to convert the text to Lectora. From that point on, I make many small changes like adding arrows, highlight boxes, Tables of contents, navigation, etc. I add all my animation and create the activities using questions. Frequently I have to move things around to get them to fit just right or because we add things after the conversion from PowerPoint. Seriously, it would be a lot of work to keep the PowerPoint in sync with the Lectora. Seems the same would hold true of Word.

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