Course Completion

What I did to avoid this instead of the incremental + 1 for each page viewed, I made a variable for EVERY SINGLE page. So I would have Variables 'Page001' 'Page002', 'Page003' etc... I would start them all at 0. On each page I would have an action that changed the content of that page's variable from a 0 to a 1. That way, To complete the course, the condition would be that every page variable was equal to 1.This let me have better control over each page they say and didn't see. It also let me piggyback other options like showing a check mark if a page was viewed. I would just make things like check boxes show if the Variable 'page001' was equal to 1.I have even gone as far as making my own drop down menu. It wasn't hard to do, just time consuming, had a lot of 'ON MOUSE IN' 'ON MOUSE OUT' actions to show and hide options. I used this to show a grayed out option for pages that were not viewed yet, and a white hyperlink to go to pages that have been visited. (Once again, a lot easier to pull off if you use a variable for every page).

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