printing course

In my experience in my previous life, I recall handling this by creating a master Word doc for each course. This master doc, 1. gave me a single reference point to the content in its entirity, and 2. enabled me to upload the .doc file for students to click on and download to print themselves.I like the previous suggetion though, in that in an attemtp to control editing and what not, I'd now do this with a PDF and then enable the students to click a button to get the course. Personally, I'd simply create a link to the PDF to launch in a separate window and the instruct the students to utilize the print function within the browser to print the PDF in a popup. This will require testing. Alternatively, you can put in a simply javascript (found easily on the web) to print the page of the PDF when it loads via a click. I have done this a few times as well.However, like I said, I always work from a master document either Word or PDF, and then enable users to click to print or download this content if I want them to have a copy. It is much easier to do this externally from the course than to try to get them to print the pages of the course....Hope this helps.

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