Course Completion

I think I have created a solution to your problem.You need to create a page count variable and a visited variable for each page ie if you have a five page title six variables.On each page you need to add two actions:First action:On: ShowAction: Modify VariableTarget: Your page count variableValue: 1Type: Add to variableCondition:Only if Your page visted variable for that page = 0Second action:On: ShowAction: Modify VariableTarget: your page visited variableValue: 1Type: Set Variable ContentsDelay: 0.2 sec You also need to modify your exit button with two actions:Action 1:On: Mouse clickAction: Modify VariableTarget: AICC_Lesson_StatusValue: Completed (or whatever your LMS accepts)Type: Set Variable ContentsCondition:Only if your page count variable = var(PagesInTitle)Action 2:On: Mouse ClickAction: Exit/Close WindowDelay: 0.1 secI have only tested this on a simple 5 page course and it works OK. It will need modification if you are using sections and/or chapters.Hope this helpsRegardsAndy

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