Upcoming One-Page-Publishing and Keep-Position features

As shown on LUC16 i really looking forward to these 2 new features in the upcoming release...

Making a topic in the Suggestions about this, so anyone can express what he/she is expecting of it... so either the development team can tamper our expectations a bit...or our fantasies can inspire the development team.

For me for sure these 2 features for sure are a good combination ( i made some samples showing how i did mock up one-page-publishing on the forum allready ).

Some things i hope/wish/dream/expect:

- choose a transition for each page ( wipe left/right/top/down or crossdissolve/fade )

- create custom transitions per page by adding pagecovering tweens or animations. Depending on how the transitions in Lectora per page are setup it would be nice if we could use Javascriptlibraries on pages to achieve custom effects.

- setup any element to be static allover the title.- actions that hold/lock any page-element

- actions that release any page-element from its static position

For that you might wanna check out ScrollMagic ( http://scrollmagic.io/ ) a great javascript library that links animations and static elements to a specific scrollposition of the page.

My 5 cents for now :-)

Discussion (9)

Allthough i agree on low instructional value on transitions, the visual value for it shouldnot be underestimated.

Nowadays you see visual effects everywhere. I do agree with you Sergey, that they are misused a lot... but when used properly it can strengthen any story or elearning. In the video-editing i do, i use 2 transitions. The hard cut,it is a transition too, only it is a direct quick cut to a next shot ( without a white flash ;-).... that one i use when im in one scene..and the story is continuing... The other transition i use in video-editing is a crossdissolve. That i use when either it is a new scene, or a new day...or something really changing... it then emphasises a bigger change.

In elearning you can use transitions the same way. For a onepager for a photocompany i made a custom transition of a photoshutter in black and white that really quick ( 0.6 seconds ) open and closed. Worked perfect for that client.

As much as I am not a fan of transitions per se (zero instructional value), it'd be great if inherited elements would stay in place during page transitions. So e.g. the navigation bar would stay in place while the old page content flies out top and the new page content flies in from the bottom.

What I do hope for is an active preloading of images so that page transitions are instant.

I know they have to produce for their main market and they do a very admirable job at it. Maybe they should have a different product? An advanced product like "Embolden", "Invigorate" or "Motivate". This application would be built on all the best libraries available and offer as much a WYSIWYG UI as possible. Like Sublime on steroids. Ah, I can dream can't I? LOL. Ok, the yard calls for real this time. I'l check back later.

Thanks, Math. The flash is probably due to their unorthodox headers and scripts. Clean things up. Put external css in the head, Combine as much JS as possible, minimize it and insert it just above body tag and stop with the graphics madness (it's the 80's all over again) and I bet you'll see the FOUC go away. Me stepping off my soap box to go trim hedges.

Any kind of upgrade is always welcome, however aren't these two features already simple to do? It only takes a second to make something 'sticky'. You can set up a page to scroll or use div containers to give the illusion of changing pages.

I'd like to see bigger changes such as the use external CSS for all styling (no more inline!) and the use of media queries instead of the JavaScript mish-mosh it uses now. CSS buttons, like those used on all modern websites do not need to employ graphics and can be sized perfectly with queries. Adding SVG with CSS styling would be even better. No bloat, nothing. Let's be able to start with Boilerplate 5 - there RCD done. Wonky browser issues fixed by Modernizr. That would be POWERFUL. If they think these are too difficult for most developers then open an advanced mode.

I'd like to see the bottom of file scripting be able to handle pointing to an external file (not embed it, or at least offer a choice) and place it/them just above the closingundefined tag where, in most cases, external scripts belong.

We're building web pages so shouldn't we be following web development best practices? just my 2¢.

Agree with you on all Darrel. With the exception of One-Page-Publishing, that one also can be done as is now ( see some of my samples ) but its no good solution for bigger projects that way, cause maintenance will get a real drag.

And Trivantis also aims at the instructional designers and developers with less webb-savvy background and less experience in using libraries like Modernizr or Boilerplate, so i understand the direction they choose. Allthough i do think you have a point... the advanced mode we are working in all the time ;-)

Also dont forget the competition. This way Lectora takes quite a big hit at Storyline. Especially the white flash is one reason i do hear quite a lot why people choose Storyline over Lectora.

Hi...not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I am looking to create custom page transitions... sliding left to a previous page and sliding right for the next page. Anything exist or have any thoughts?


Allthough this spot is fine for the question Robyn, i would suggest you post a new topic in the lectora forums for it. First thing to know is do you want to use Lectora 17 for it, or versions prior to 17. Because offcourse the seamless publishing feature ( as its called in Lectora now ) is a good step for this kind of transition you are thinking of.



Thanks Math for your reply. I eventually found the right place and posted the same question in the Forum. I am using 16 ...

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